Soft tires Games Rally workout in 1 / 8 scale rally cars for games such as Kyosho , Mugen MZ1 , EB4 and similar glued onto rims as in picture, the circle is very strong with 17mm hexagonal shank . This version of the compound called sport ECOnomic ( not to be confused with the versions call for competition ! ) is available in two hardnesses well- designed , soft and hard , and is ideal for those who must work out in practice without spending figures appalling for chewing , which , as we know , they wear out very quickly and unfortunately we must always have many models in the cassette .
1 pair.
SPORT Front Hard
Diameter external Diameter internal
mm.96 mm.74
Hole on wheel Exagone
mm.12 mm.17
Select from the menu below to choose the quantity : QUANTITY DISCOUNT : -> choose None for free quantity to be selected in cart -> select, if desired, the quantity discount for buying 6, 12 or 24 pairs (when available). Please note that the amount in brackets will be added to the unit cost of the product visible in the upper right.
Eg. One pair 5.30 quantity discount 6 pairs (+19,90)
In cart you will see 25.20 (that divided for 6 will have 4.20 instead 5.30)
Available Options:
Q.ty discount::
None 6 pairs (+47.45EUR) 12 pairs (+98.82EUR) 24 pairs (+195.60EUR)