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Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions

  1. English question 1?
  2. English question 2?
  3. How to do if Paypal don't re-address on our shop?
  4. How use menů for buy quantity in discount?
  5. Method of payment available.
  6. If I forget password for login?
  7. Can I know if all items are available.

  1. English question 1?
    English answer 1.

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  2. English question 2?
    English answer 2.

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  3. How to do if Paypal don't re-address on our shop?
    1. Make login, your cart will be full 2. Confirm order, be sure selecting same shippingg option 3. Select another payment system 4. Write in NOTE that you have paid through Paypal in date ?? 5. Confirm order and be sure Total is the same. Thanks for collaboration.

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  4. How use menů for buy quantity in discount?
    For some items, by clicking the product will be available one or more options to get deep discounts on purchases of small quantities. Just select in the drop-down menu: - "basic order" to purchase a quantity free from cart - one of the options as proposed, the program will add an amount calculated plus the unit cost that will give the amount granted for that amount then visible cart. So, for example, if you decide to buy 6 packages. (who are couples, pieces, sets, etc. ..) of a product that costs 2.00 euros, you get an amount in brackets (+7.00), which added 2.00 euros to 9.00 euros for 6 packages will, then divided by 6 will 1.50 per pack.

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  5. Method of payment available.
    For non Italian customers we accept Bank transfer or Paypal payments.

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  6. If I forget password for login?
    Clicking on " Password forgotten? Click here. " Server will send you a new password in your email address. You can change it after login.

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  7. Can I know if all items are available.
    Sorry this is impossible. We have other stores and who first pay first have priority. For example, if you will pay with bank transfer, payment may take from 2 to 5 days to arrive, in this time other customer can buy same products and pay them with Paypal, that is immediately.

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